Use PLR to Create New Tools for Your Affiliates Quickly

Use PLR to Create New Tools for Your Affiliates Quickly

Use PLR to Create New Tools for Your Affiliates Quickly

If you run an affiliate program, you can use PLR content to train your affiliates, to provide marketing materials to them to use to promote your products or services, and for them to use as list builders to build their own list too. Here are some ways to use PLR to help you develop new tools for your affiliates quickly.

Create Brandable Reports or eBooks

Creating content that your affiliates can use as their own, as is, or by editing it and rebranding it is a great way to help your affiliates promote you. You can create an eBook or report that consists of links to your products and services that they can rebrand and replace the links with their own affiliate link. Then when they give away this book, they’ll make sales and get credit for them.

Create Email Autoresponder Information

An excellent use for PLR content is to turn it into autoresponder information and posts. You can provide your affiliates autoresponder series and courses to put in their own email that all they do is cut and paste to promote your products and services to their audience by replacing the link with their affiliate link.

Create Blog Posts They Can Use in Their Marketing

Find some subject matter content that can be turned into reusable blog posts for your affiliates. Do read the terms of service for the content that you provide because, most of the time, they cannot resell it as PLR, but you can give it to them to use on their blog.

Create List-Building Content for Your Affiliates

Your affiliates also have lists that they build to promote your products and services on your behalf, along with others they sell for. Provide them with the list-building content that they need, courses, reports, freebies, and so forth that they can rebrand and use to build their list with your ideal audience. That way, when they promote your offers, their audience will be more likely to respond.

Create Sales and Marketing Training for Your Affiliates

A really great way to use PLR is also as training material. You can find courses, blog posts, eBooks, and more all about sales and marketing, including “how to be an affiliate” training. Even though many of your affiliates already know how to do it, as they’ve been doing it a long time, some of your affiliates are just starting, and the training will be very valuable to them and to you ultimately.

When you’re searching for PLR, remember to think about what you’re going to use it for so you can check the licensing agreements, plus, so that you can think outside the box. After all, no matter what type of products you promote, your affiliates can get training on how to make more sales, that you provide to them in their dashboard, via email, and even via a free eCourse that you set up for them. It’s a win-win solution because you’re going to make a lot more sales when your affiliates are trained and motivated.

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