Grow Your List Faster by Setting Up Content Upgrades With PLR
An effective way to grow your list fast is to set up content upgrades using private label rights (PLR) content to create them. If you don’t know a content upgrade is additional content usually in PDF downloadable form that is linked to within other content, usually on top of a keyword, or listed after the original content as further reading, that generally provides additional information or combines the information differently for ease of consumption.
Here are a few different ways you can accomplish setting up content upgrades with PLR:
Start With 10 Informational Blog Posts
One way to do this is to find a group of blog posts about the topic you want to use to teach your audience something new. Use the ten posts to create a full report that you turn into a beautiful product with examples, transitions between blog posts, a nice cover, and any additional information you can throw in to combine it into something that is valuable to the customer.
Set up a download page for the PDF report that requires an email address to receive the PDF file. Publish each blog post as a separate standalone blog post, making for ten new blog posts. Schedule the series to publish one post for each of the next ten days.
Set up your email marketing to send a blurb to the right email list members as each blog post is published. Remember that even though it’s a list builder, it can also segment those already on your list who don’t have this information. Sending list members any new information is an excellent way to bring them back to your site, just make sure you only deliver the blurb to the right people based on their behavior.
Set up the PDF download both within the content of the blog post, as well as at the end of the blog post, letting them know they don’t need to wait on the series, they can read it all now if they want by downloading it.
For example, if you mention terms within the blog post that work, add a link to those words so that if they point to that link, they’ll see the offer. Also, add information at the beginning and end of the post, pointing out and linking to the downloadable freebie offer.
Market the Public Facing Content
Once you set it up, start promoting each individual blog post by using Facebook Ads or other paid ads plus social media marketing by pushing out a blurb of each blog post to everyone on every platform you are part of. Take quotes from the work to make an infographic as well as stand-alone quote memes that you can use to promote each of the blog posts so that each promotion is specific to each blog post.
Giving your audience more information is always going to translate to more list members and more list members, especially when they’re on your list because they really wanted the offer, which means more sales. You can also turn a report or white paper into a bunch of blog posts to accomplish this option for using PLR to build your email list.