Get Them on Your List – PLR Is Perfect for Lead Magnets

One of the most important things you can do in your business to advance is to keep building your email list. When they say that money is on the list, they’re not kidding. Even though sometimes it may seem as if you yourself aren’t answering emails or looking at your emails remember that your way of doing things doesn’t mean that’s how everyone is. The stats say it works.
The proof is in the pudding. Email marketing generates, according to surveys, an average ROI for email marketing of 122%. If you want to take advantage of this, creating more lead magnets for every stage of your customer’s buying journey will pay off. Thankfully, you can get this work done in short order due to the existence of private label rights content.
To create a lead magnet using PLR:
Know Who You Want to Join Your List and Why
Constantly study your audience so that you can easily create customer avatars or profiles for each stage of their buyer’s journey. Think about what their intent is at the point they’re in and try to deliver what they need at the right time and place.
Shop for the Content With Your Favorite PLR Sellers
Once you know what the purpose of the lead magnet is, and which audience member it’s for, now you can shop for the right PLR to create the downloadable. Remember to focus on searches by subject matter and topic rather than format since you can and will be changing that anyway.
Edit and Format the Content You Purchase
Once you download the content you want to turn into a lead magnet, organize it according to what you need. It helps to make a list so that you can check it off as you add that content.
Create an Opt-In Form on Your Website
Using landing page software or just your website and email autoresponder software, create a sign-up form for your website. The truth is, it’s usually best to make this a stand-alone landing page and link to it under the content you are using to promote the freebie.
Upload the Content to a Download Thank You Page
Once you’ve designed the freebie, create a thank you or download page that you’ll send the link for in an email once they sign up. Use this download and thank you page to connect more with your audience. Cross-promote your social networks, any membership sites you run, and other ways to connect right on that page.
Promote the Opt-in Form
Once you have a landing page set up for your opt-in form, you’ll need to promote it. You can promote it by promoting the blog posts and other content that leads to the landing page, but you can also promote the landing page directly if you’ve made it a compelling sales page, even if it’s a freebie.
Set Up Follow Up Autoresponder Messages
When you are shopping for PLR, remember to download enough content that you can use it as blogs, products, freebies, and autoresponder messages. If you’re unsure what to create, you can find PLR that allows you to fill in the blanks for your follow-up messages.
Try to create a lead magnet that addresses your audience at each stage of their buyer’s journey so that you can move them toward the next part of their journey. The more entry points you have into your marketing funnel and email list, the more buyers you’ll end up having as you create and develop more products and services using the PLR that you buy.