Combining PLR for eBooks, Courses and More

Combining PLR for eBooks, Courses and More

Combining PLR for eBooks, Courses and More

When you start shopping for PLR, if you think that you must find a fully complete product that looks just like you want it to as a finished product, but you don’t. Instead, you can find sections and portions of the overall program you want to create and then mix and match to combine the content into a brand-new eBook, course, and more.

Design Your Program Before Shopping

Don’t even start shopping for PLR until you have designed the eBook, course, or program that you want to create using PLR. An excellent way to do it is to create a sales page first with all the things you want to include in your offer. Another way to accomplish this is to first create an outline of the product you want to create, including all the value-added bonuses, checklists and so forth that you want to create so that you have a good list to go by for what you’re shopping to find.

Mix and Match Formats of Content

As you start shopping for the content, don’t worry initially about what format the content is in. Do read the terms of service and the rules to make sure the PLR you buy allows you to change it, edit it and use it as you wish first. Shop for each section of your program, as described above. Buy all the sections and get each area complete. Change formats as you wish, but consider in some types of programs that you create that you may want to use multiple formats and multimedia.

Combine Products From Multiple Sellers

Remember, you can buy PLR from more than one seller and combine it to make it more unique. This is the way teachers use lesson plans. Teachers can buy lesson plans, or they get them from the book publisher. They may combine multiple types of information from different publishers to ensure they create something complete that they feel helps them teach the topic entirely. You can do the same thing by finding your PLR from more than one seller and combining them.

Change the Format

When you purchase PLR, consider changing the format it’s currently in as purchased to fit your own formatting. Change the fonts, change the order, or do something to make it flow better with the other content you buy.

Change or Add Media

Unless you’re creating an eBook, you’re going to want to create new media formats of the information you provide your audience. Use a combination of text, audio, video, graphics, and so forth to make it more interesting. Most PLR lets you change the media format if you want to.

Include Your Own Take With Your Opinion or Example

When you insert each purchase into the right section, eventually, you’ll want to go through the content and add your own options and examples to the activities and directions. This is what will make this program uniquely yours.

Add Your Branding

Naturally, you’ll want to change all the branding to anything you buy to your own. Use your fonts, your tone of voice, your logo, and your business branding. If you’re not sure what your branding should include, do some research about branding and what it really means for you.

Promote and Sell Your New Creation Proudly

Once you’ve found all the pieces of the program you’re creating, you’ll want to create a landing page, a thank you download page, autoresponder messages, blog posts, social media posts and more so that you can promote and sell your new eBook, course or program quickly.

There is no need to find the program you want to offer to your audience already finished and ready to go. Instead, if you combine PRL from multiple sellers, plus follow the rest of the tips above, you’ll end up with a more unique book, course, or program that will genuinely be exclusively yours.

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